Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Beginners luck.....

The son of the Bitch just got his July numbers...........
Not that the son of the Bitch did a great job.. but then it just happened... beginners luck ?:P
Month end in sales is like an orgasm .. as long as you extend it, it gives agony and pleasure :P

ps: Son of the bitch - For whatever Grey things Im doing in the field... yup.. Im no more the pure soul(atleast thats what I want to perceive/ pretend)... but then its like kamal's dialouge in Nayakan... when you do your work, realise the fact that you are doing your part in kurukshetra..

Its just that too much is happening in work and I couldn't even speak about that to anyone..


Anonymous said...

SOB,eh? :P
already enjoying ur job!!

but kurukshetra?somehow the image of a salesman lugging cadbury chocolates or hul soaps in place of arrows and gadas and slinging them at nestle or nirma or whatever seems too incongruous :P

enjoy!! :)

Anonymous said...

oh, and i forgot to ask...will you be down to campus for the independence day wetnite?

Sands | കരിങ്കല്ല് said...

LOL dude...

Anonymous said...

That's good signs. As said before, your biggest opponent will be you, and just you.

BTW, I don't remember that dialog in Nayakan .. Holy Christ!

The Lonely Backpacker said...


No Doc, could not make it to that wetnite.. :(..