Sunday, December 9, 2007

who is she ?

She is a hot girl whom the whole college leched(including the backpacker ).
People said that she has become more beautiful in recent days.
I went to meet a guy whom I like and she was there as well.
Now for the entire day I was with her and I didn't lech her :) .. ( this should be hard to believe.. trust me guys.. even for me its hard to believe.. )

No.. Not an acquaintance.
No.. but Not a close friend.
yes.. just one more fan of her :P..

I was trying hard to sell my chettan and this is how it went ..

She: Is he a mallu ?
Me: yes he is
Is he single ?
yes he is.
Does he want to get married in one year from now ?
yes he wants to get married.
Is he a Christian ?
No he is not..
still its ok.. either of us can convert..
but there is a problem..
he doesn't drink..
its ok.. I ll drink for him as well :) ( at this point, the whole group was ROTFL )

well, then I started selling him..

He s a great basketball player, an IITian, amazing attitude , Mr. Nice guy etc..
but then there is one problem.
what is it ?
he s looking for an intelligent girl :D

Game, Set, Match - Backpacker... Muhahaha....

p.s. we miss you girl. There is no one to match your looks and attitude in college.. Any takers for this opinion ? :P


Anonymous said...

Otha!! Prepare for your PPI da! indha madri sidey post ellam pottu image damage panadhey da heeero!

The Lonely Backpacker said...

Dear otha

PPI s come PPIs go.... but she lives in our heart for ever ..... :p

weightu dialougea ??? buhahaha....

p.s. my comment is due to Barcelona effect.. im in love with this place

Anonymous said...

abaaram bun..abaaram...